torsdag 8 april 2021

Inbjudan till Paneuropeisk digital konferens 14 april

Kära medlemmar i Svenska Paneuropaföreningen,

Ni är härmed inbjudna att delta i en diskussion kring talet som hölls av presidenten för Österrikiska Paneuropaföreningens ordförande, Karl von Hapsburg, The Speech on the Future of Europe.

Diskussionen hålls online den 14 april kl 18:30.

Detaljer om evenemanget hittar ni här: 

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Evenemanget hålls på engelska och ni kan läsa mer från arrangörerna själva nedan:

January 11th the president of Paneuropa Austria Karl von Habsburg held his “Speech on the future of Europe”. In this speech he interpreted the idea of Paneuropa by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, underlined the fundaments and principles of the European identity and presented two proposals for reforms of the European Union: a european foreign policy with an EU minister for foreign affairs, and a three-points concept to solve the debt crisis in the Eurozone. 

Following an initiative by Walburga Habsburg Douglas, vice-president of the Paneuropean-Union, we want to organise an additional conference about this speech in English language, to open the participation in this discussion for paneuropeans and friends in the non-german-speaking world.


For the event on April 14 (we start at 18.30 CET) we were able to put together a top-class panel discussion:

Walburga Habsburg Douglas: vice-president Paneuropa-Union

Gordana Djurovic: President Paneuropa Union Montenegro

Gergana Passy: President Paneuropa Movement Bulgaria

Laris Gaiser: President Paneuropa Movement Slovenia

Karl von Habsburg: President Paneuropa Movement Austria

Moderation: Rainhard Kloucek, secretary general Paneuropa Movement Austria


In case you do not have a copy of this speech on the future of Europe, here is a link to the English version of the speech:

I am sure, this discussion will be followed by several additional discussions within the paneuropean network.

Hope to see you online April 14th.

All the best, Rainhard Kloucek

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