torsdag 7 oktober 2021

Seminarium om mänskliga rättigheter med Róbert Spanó

Vi vill tipsa om ett seminarium med presidenten för den Europeiska domstolen för mänskliga rättigheter Róbert Spanó på fredagen den 29 oktober kl. 15:00 - 16:30.

Seminariet sker på plats vid Mannheimer Swartling, Norrlandsgatan 21 i Stockholm. Registrering och kaffe från kl. 14:30 och seminariet börjar 15:00. Sittplatser fördelas enligt principen först till kvarn.

Det finns möjlighet att delta på seminariet digitalt. En webblänk skickas ut till registrerade deltagare strax innan seminariet börjat.

Observera att seminariet hålls på engelska och information från arrangörerna finns nedan:

In his Stockholm university seminar, Robert Spanó will focus on the European Convention’s emphasis on living together in a society, social solidarity and examples from case-law where the Court has emphasised how duties and responsibilities are balanced against individual rights.

Welcome address: Dean of the Stockholm Law Faculty Prof. Jessika van der Sluijs

Moderator: Assoc. Prof: Claes Granmar

Róbert Spanó graduated from the University of Iceland in 1997. He subsequently read for a Magister Juris Degree in European and Comparative Law at the University of Oxford. After his post-graduate studies he was appointed Special Assistant to the Parliamentary Ombudsman of Iceland, serving in that role until 2004. From 2004 to 2013, Robert Spanó was a full time legal scholar in the Law Faculty of the University of Iceland, from 2006 as Professor of Law, serving as Vice-Dean and subsequently Dean of the Faculty. Robert Spanó began his nine year mandate as Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in 2013 and has been President of the Court since May 2020.

Register for the seminar no later than 27 October (by noon) by filling in this  form:

Or send an email to:

Please note in your registration whether you want to attend the seminar physically or by weblink.

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